Typical areas of improvement
We've helped many customers improve their systems. Lets take a look at some areas where optimisation can be delivered.
Here are examples of areas where optimisation can be achieved:
Housekeeping; deleting temporary and/or old data from your system can have significant impacts on the processing speed.
GDPR & Statutory Retention; removing data that is no longer required to be held, in accordance with the statutory retention periods and GDPR regulations.
Leaver payrolls; moving your leavers (after the end of the tax year in which they left) into a separate leavers control group can significantly reduce your payroll calculation time.
Alabaster; automating the re-calculation of average weekly earnings for employees on maternity leave.
Average Holiday Pay (AHP); automating the identification of the relevant pay periods and the calculation of the average earnings to pay whilst an employee is on holiday.
Backpay; calculation and payment of backdated earnings following a change in rate and/or circumstances.
National Minimum Wage (NMW); enabling the automated checks and enhancing the calculation of NMW compliance based on age and relevant policies.
Multi-streaming; split your employees into groups for processing tasks such as payroll calculate, terminate and bulk absence to run them concurrently. This can save time and increase overall performance.
“The Payroll Calculate task has been painful for many years, and during the early part of this year, we were experiencing up to 4 hours processing time. Following our system health check housekeeping session we performed various housekeeping tasks in particular archiving leavers, and we reduced the Calculate process to 20 minutes. In addition to this we have now set up offline processing on specific processing tasks, we have reduced the processing time by another 15 minutes. Therefore 5 minutes is extraordinary for us. Fantastic result.”