Improved Efficiency and Serving Residents Better Than Ever
The new system has completely transformed the onboarding experience Hillingdon gives candidates, enabling them to onboard crucial team members far more quickly.
"Everything is now done on the system. We're not constantly going outside of the system to provide updates like we were before, because they can see where they're at and what forms they need to fill out.We also provide dashboards to managers, and we love the compliance dashboard, recruitment driver dashboard and onboarding dashboard. It's so easy to log in and see everything. In the past, I couldn't even tell people how many jobs we had or how many people were in the onboarding process. If someone asks that question now, I can go straight onto the system and answer it.We're now faster, more efficient, and ultimately able to serve our residents better," Hayley said. "The system has reduced our workload so much that, despite having a smaller team, we're taking on more work—and doing it better."