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Don't gamble with background checking. Reduce the risk of candidate loss, legal knots, and cultural pitfalls.
Background checking is a balancing act. Thorough vetting helps to mitigate risks and protect the organisation. But take too long or do it wrong, and the consequences can range from awkward to disastrous.
Balancing risk
Most employers take a scaled approach, conducting more extensive checks for senior roles with access to sensitive data or cash.
Background checks mitigate risk by verifying candidate claims and demonstrating duty of care towards other employees and stakeholders.
Though only around 10% of candidates may have issues, the impact of an unsuitable hire can be serious.
Beware: legal and cultural pitfalls
Background checks must consider both legal requirements and cultural norms, which differ across countries. For example, while reference checks are technically legal in the UAE, cultural sensitivities mean the approach needs care to avoid alienating candidates.
Why technology is crucial
Recruiters face pressure for quick hiring, but manual checks can cause delays. Digital vetting systems accelerate turnaround times, as well as aggregating data, generating reports, and automating risk analysis.
Discover Zellis Background Checking
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